Thursday 9 January 2014

Vintage Inspired Book and Binder Covers

Hey guys :)
School is coming up and I got new stationary - yeeeahhh! To make school more pretty and fun I decided to cover my books and my binder :D Hopefully you get some inspiration from how I covered mine.
Here's what they looked like after:
My binder

  • Books or binder
  • Bakers Twine or ribbon of your choice, I also ended up using lace
  • Paper doilies (I got 20 for $3 from the dollar store)
  • Glue stick
  • Tape
  • Scissors
  • Brown wrapping paper
  • Clear book wrap if you wan't to make your books waterproof
  • Hot glue (if you're covering a binder or adding a bow)
  • Optional: Paint and paint brush
  • Optonal: Label printed or paper with subject and name written onto it
  1. Optional step: I painted the inside of my binder blue just to add a pop of colour.
  2. Lay your book open onto your brown wrapping paper and cut 2cm or more around it.
  3. Fold the cut out piece over so it's wrapped around the book and cut off the corners.
  4. Create a crease with your nail around the book and fold in the sides where the corners have been cut off and tape down onto the inside of your book.
  5. If you are covering your binder, do the same steps as the book but hot glue down the edges to the inside instead of taping it down.
  6. Glue your paper doily to your cover. You can cut it into different shapes for different looks e.g. poking out from the edge or a doily wrapped around the edge or even a whole doily glued down on one face.
  7. I had a label printer so I just stuck it onto the cover then but you could always make a label by writing your name and subject on a square of paper and gluing that down. Now is the time to attach these to the cover.
  8. If you would like your book covers to be waterproof, cover with clear book cover and follow the instructions on the packet. You do the same with the binder but cover all 3 faces (front, spine and back covers) - also remember to use scissors to poke holes for the binder rings.
  9. Now to decorate your cover with twine simply wrap the front cover vertically around twice with bakers twine and tie the ends at the back of the front cover.
  10. For the horizontal twine roughly measure your twine by wrapping your twine from the front opening edge of the book around the book cover to the back opening edge of the book and then adding on 4cm of length of taping. Cut two pieces of twine this length and use tape to secure to the inside front and back covers with the excess lengths and a piece for the spine to hold the twine horizontally. This gives the illusion that the book is tied up when really you can easily open it like a normal book.
  11. For a cuter look you can use lace or ribbon to tie a bow, apply a dab of hot glue to the back of the bow and glue that to the cross of twine on the front cover.
Ta-da :) And that is it ^_^ It's really just common sense so don't worry too much about the instructions - it's easier if you just look at the photos.

Bye for now,

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