Sunday 31 May 2015

Picnic Themed Party DIYs

Hello everyone!!
This is the second and final part to my party DIY series :) This post includes invitations, snacks, decorations and party activity ideas. My party theme was 'Picnic in the Park'. :) Another must-have for parties is music :) Bring some speakers along and have a dance party (I personally went for some jump jam songs because I'm as mature as a 5 year old). Here is a quick run down of things I prepared for my party.

I bought a bunch of paper doilies and wrote the party details on the back of them. I think that although Facebook events pages are much quicker to create as party invitations, I've always enjoyed having a physical invitation. I also created a private events page on Facebook anyway and posted and photos of the location and updates so everyone knew what was happening on the day :)

Croissants with ham, lettuce and cheese

Classic Fairybread


Pink Lemonade - Cranberry juice + lemonade. This was a hit!

We also had other snacks, pizza and cake

I made a super easy doily garland where I folded doilies in half and stapled them to a string.

Balloon Garland

Lanterns strung in trees

Tissue paper flowers

Little bubble tubes for everyone made adorable group photos

Pin the tail on the pug (made using and taping the pieces together. I used thumbtacks to stick the tails to the tree.)

Moustache straws (Cut out moustaches of your choice and hole punch it in the middle, thread it through a straw).

Articulate! A game where you get into team and alternate people describing to your group the thing on your slip of paper for them to guess. There is a time limit for every team and the group that guesses the most words correctly. I customised my own game of Articulate with funny objects, people on it.

Pinata (check out the DIY here)

I hope you guys enjoyed this wee series :) If you have any suggestions for upcoming DIYs or other blog posts feel free to contact me and I'll get around to it! I went for a bit of a different blog post style with this one.

Bye for now,

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